March 26, 2009

how many fingers?

Yesterday, I went for a long walk in the amazing spring weather Kingston was enjoying. It was not a fancy walk to an exotic location. Rather a simple walk a number of times around a dirt track near where I live. That was just fine: to walk along at a leisurely pace and reflect and enjoy the sun and take in the scenes around me. These were scenes that included many people out walking their dogs--or visiting with each other while their dogs played and tumbled about. A young girl, age four fingers and two thumbs, slowly approached walking with her beautiful, tan-coloured dog. Unfortunately, I forget the dog's name although I was introduced. (I'll use a substitute name here.) I smiled in her direction. She asked, "Would you like to pet my dog, Natasha?". I was honoured of course. The dog, as it turned out, was eight fingers, two thumbs, and two more fingers old--and appeared very gentle, wise, and serene.

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