May 19, 2008

Five Breaths

My invitation to you today is this:

In this moment, where you are, as you are.
Notice the sound and feel of your own breath breathing.
Tune in.

What sounds do you hear right now?

What colours do you see around you? What shapes? What textures?

Notice the feel of air on your skin.

Take 5 breaths here while still, while listening, while tuning in…

May 11, 2008

Sitting in Spaces

For those of you who follow the blog semi-regularly, you may have noticed my lack of activity on the site: no chalkboard quotes or writing for a few weeks. I was away for a week taking an expressive arts course, and since, have been sitting in all the silence, sounds, and spaces that have followed.

Yesterday, I began re-reading one of David Whyte’s books. Today, I’ll share the following excerpt:

In my experience, the more true we are to our own creative gifts the less there is any outer reassurance or help at the beginning. The more we are on the path, the deeper the silence in the first stages of the process. Following our path is in effect a kind of going off the path, through open country. There is a certain early stage when we are left to camp out in the wilderness, alone, with few supporting voices. Out there in the silence we must build a hearth, gather the twigs, and strike the flint for the fire ourselves.

This can be a frightening time.

–David Whyte, The Heart Aroused, p. 87