February 5, 2009

Idea-byte No. 4

There is a book I read half of a while ago, likely within the past year or so: The Mindful Way through Depression
by Williams and others (2007). For those who live in Kingston, it is in the public library's collection so you may explore it free of charge. It comes with a cd with short guided mindfulness-type practices, which is another good reason to know about it. On another 5 x 7 cue card from my desk, I found some jots I had made while reading the book including text from page 29:
"If we're convinced we're 'no good' or unworthy, how likely are we to pursue the things that we value in life?".
The invitation (and challenge for some, if not all) is to offer to one's own self compassion, kindness, gentleness, caring--to offer warmth to one's self, the way we offer warmth to another. You matter and so do your dreams.

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