April 13, 2008

Why Black Umbrellas?

This is a question I ponder from time to time. How has it come to be that on dark, grey, or otherwise overcast, rainy days, so many people are in the habit of pulling out their black umbrellas? Why not red, or purple, or yellow, turquoise, sunny orange, or that gorgeous spring green? I wonder, what might be the impact of adding more drab to all the drab that already exists on such grey days? Of course, for those who do give consideration to this, perhaps sometimes a black umbrella just feels right, maybe reflects some heavy weather in a person’s heart. If this were so, and people consciously chose a black umbrella for occasions limited to when their cells were laden with sadness or suffering, then perhaps, it could be a kind of signal to others–to send some extra comfort or love or warmth their way, for others to offer an encouraging word. For times when suffering or sadness is dominant but we are trying to hold hope, too, maybe a black umbrella with a small spot of colour or colours would be fitting, with the colour acting as a reminder or declaration in faith that there is also colour or the possibility of that–whether we can feel it or believe it that day or not.

Yesterday, was one of those rainy, grey days outside off and on. At one point, I noticed a group of about four people walking together, a unit of people. What I noticed first was their umbrellas. There were red, yellow, blue, and purple umbrellas (or maybe it was green?) huddled happily together as in a bouquet and bopping along. No black. I wondered if this was intentional among them, if they have considered this umbrella quandary, too, and decided to take rectifying action.

A few weeks’ ago, I observed a phenomenon that had a similar effect and was undoubtedly completely intentional. It pertained to a group of joggers running along a city side road one grey Saturday morning. Each one wore a different colour of jacket; all were vibrant in hue. After allowing some traffic to pass, they moved into formation, lining up side by side across the width of the road. There was, in sequence: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple–a complete rainbow. How wonderful, I thought. This buoyed up my spirits and made me smile. I am very curious to know the story behind the jackets and the group. If you know, do send the story along!

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