Yesterday, I had the pleasure of spending time in a toy store. I was on a mission to find an adult-sized hula hoop and had been told this was the place to go. Mission accomplished. I was also looking to find a badminton racquet or two and birdies to supplement my collection. This took me wandering throughout the store. I loved the outdoor games and toys section. This made me miss working at an outdoor centre and camps. There are so many fun things to do outside and toys to play with! I love to play–for me the simple things are just fine. Playing catch in any number of ways, tossing a flying disc around, badminton without a net, horseshoes… Last night, friends were over for a potluck. Sitting in the backyard over good food and conversation, playing catch, badminton (with some raquets that ended up not working too well) was wonderful. The trip to the toy store and subsequent play felt like a mini-vacation–something I haven’t had enough of for quite some time and also crave. On the topic of nourishment and sustenance, it seems to me we need this so much. I look forward to the next gathering for outdoor visiting and play. For those of you in Kingston wanting to practice your hula hooping finesse or play catch with one of those velcro mitts, stop by or drop me a line!