November 29, 2007

Remembering Maple

I want to tell you a story about a relative of mine now deceased. The story is as I understand it thus far based on what I have been told. Her name what Bessie Comer. She lived in a home her father had built in Kingston, Ontario that was known as Maple House or The Maple Family Home. I am not sure exactly how this name came about except that there was a maple tree in the front yard and the word Maple was written in stained glass above the front door. The house and stained glass inscription remain today.

From what I have been told, Bessie was a writer who aspired, at least in part, to write articles for the newspaper. Some essential context, however, is that women were not permitted to do such a thing at the time (at least, not to have articles in print). That is a sad part of the story.

Yet Bessie did have her articles published. She wrote under the pseudonym Maple. Her articles were accepted and did appear. I don’t know how she accomplished this exactly but somehow she found a way.

Here, I believe, enters inspiration.

I am remembering Maple a lot these days: her courage to have a voice, to find a way. Indeed, I originally thought of calling my blog just that: remembering maple. In the end, I didn’t but somehow I have the sense that my work with Maple is not over yet. She visits me in imagination and I am glad for that. Her visits offer renewal, strength, a kind of fuel to an inner fire.

What stories have you encountered that made you feel a bit stronger in conviction or courage or hope and led you to take another step? If you feel comfortable, please do share one or more of yours below. It seems to me that these are great stories to share and feel and know.

If you are feeling low on such stories, or even empty, please accept this story as one for your own.

November 27, 2007

Little Morsels

For over a year or so now, I’ve thought I might enjoy having a blog–or certainly the idea has intrigued me and I’ve felt that familiar inner tug or spark of life that indicated interest. I’ve wondered, though, what exactly would I write about, and struggled to hone in on some focused topic. Constellation is a steady theme in my life when it comes to my interests: that is they are varied and I tend to flutter back and forth between them. This is both wonderful and has some drawbacks. Nevertheless…

This blog–my first–has moved from a period of gestation to birth at a time of great inner depletion–a time when I have been powerfully drained both physically and emotionally. There is perhaps a great irony in this. And yet, through this time of depletion, it may be easier to see that which provides sustenance, and to be attuned to this in all its minute degrees. When one is depleted, the potential is there to be even more aware of that small thing that lifts one’s spirits or gives one a boost of energy whether to cook a meal; or re-evaluate one’s activities, direction, choices etc; or …to start a blog, to take some other step into adventure or learning something new, doing something different (or differently).

I have been longing for more creativity in my life and I like to write–all measures of good writing or aesthetics aside. I also wish to inspire and support hope, compassion, and richness of experiencing in others, as well as to practice and experience it myself. So this blog is a gift to myself, whether it lasts for one week, one month, or one year, and it is also intended to be a gift to you, to all those who stop by.

That which maintains or sustains life–in someone or something–comes in all sizes from the tiny moments, the micro-moments to the grand as well. I aim to provide micro-moments of sustenance, little morsels for the journey from the material of my living: that which I have encountered and has moved me in some way, and to do this one time or more each week. I also aim to provide food for thought when it comes to the question of what nourishes, enriches, and sustains–with references to daily living, as well as reflections from work in my chosen field(s), which includes counselling.

Back to those tiny moments of “oomph”: I’m curious, what has offered you a morsel of sustenance over the past few weeks? Please feel free to share below. Your sharing is welcomed with warmth.

About This Blog

Sustenance, as defined at, refers to:

  • the act of sustaining
  • the condition of being sustained
  • the supporting of life or health; maintenance [of these]
  • something that sustains life or health, especially food
  • means of livelihood

It is my belief that there are multiple things that support life and health. While I hadn’t thought about it quite this way before, it occurs to me now that sustenance–in all its multi-coloured robes–is the lifeblood of my work–to work to support life and health; to act to sustain; to promote hope, compassion, richness in living, wholeness, healing.

In this blog, I aim to embody the spirit of sustenance and the nurturing of this from my unique vantage point as a person with a certain set of experiences and life circumstances (just as you have yours); as a mental health professional; an artisan; a dreamer–in whole, as a woman making her way in the world.

I endeavor to write on this site to provide stories, ideas, and resources directed at sustenance, little morsels for the journey, snippets to nourish, sustain, or inspire. I will draw from the material of my living–that which I have encountered and has moved me in some way. I also aim to provide food for thought when it comes to the question of what nourishes, enriches, and sustains with reflections from daily living and from work in my chosen field.